Online Donations

Your support can make a world of difference. By choosing to donate online, you’re taking a simple yet powerful step towards creating positive change.

Our online donation platform makes it easy and secure to give back to the causes you care about most. Your generosity fuels the dreams of countless individual, helping them bring about meaningful change and progress. Join us in making a lasting impact – donate online today and be part of a global community working towards a brighter future. Every donation counts, and together, we can make a world of difference.

Minimum Donation: £1.00


Our delivery rates for Flowers:

  • Blackburn, Darwen and Hyndburn - £10
  • Other areas - from £15

Our delivery rates for Funeral items:

  • Blackburn £20
  • Darwen - £25
  • Accrington - £30
  • Other areas - from £25

Please note: We have fixed shipping rates for Blackburn, Darwen and Accrington. For current delivery prices to other areas please give us a call.